airey_kun Oct 10, 2011 11:50
really really long, canon rape, dudes in the sporking theater, textual cover song, idiocy, better than hogwarts exposed, what just happened?, lj coding is the devil, gravity is for losers, high school au, overly long, mostly harmless, bad romance, epic fail, song lyrics, suddenly turrets, shennanagins, frenchies, gah! gah!!, no prose, logic failure, citizen and/or citizeness, death to the aristocracy, americans in japan, not that bad, multi-part spork, annoying main characters, script format, school dances suck, lies!!!!, kill it with fire, author: medea, humans are weird, fic: romance 101, academics are fun, females do not work that way., fandom: pokemon, do not want, it was awful, no plot, high school is not that exciting, what homework? what classes?, there are people like this irl, just plain stupid, guest sporkings, omg! i need a date!, this has fans?!